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Arts and cultures
Business, administration and law
Information and communications technologies (ICT)
Engineering, manufacturing and construction
Health and welfare
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Degree programmes
Language studies LUT
Language studies LAB
Complementary competence and optional courses, Bachelor's (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Emergency Care (in Finnish)
Täydennyskoulutus, sosiaali ja terveys
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Wood Technology (in Finnish)
Complementary competence and optional courses, Bachelor's
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information Technology (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Interior Architecture and Furniture Design (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business and Logistics (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic (2021, 2022, 2023)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Solutions Engineering
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Engineering (in Finnish)
Open studies, technology (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Visual Arts (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Wearable Design (in Finnish)
Complementary competence and optional courses, Master's (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Design (in Finnish), (2021, 2022, 2023)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Photography (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Hospitality Management, Tourism and Event Management (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Media Design (in Finnish), (2022, 2023)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Industrial Information Technology
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Industrial Design (in Finnish), (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Sustainable Design Business
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
Akuuttihoitotyön erikoistumiskoulutus
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Industrial Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering, Construction Engineering (in Finnish), (2021, 2022, 2023)
Courses for Staff LAB and LUT
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering, Urban Planning (in Finnish), (2022, 2023)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, User Experience and User Interface Design (in Finnish), (2021, 2022, 2023)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Hotel and Restaurant Management (in Finnish)
Open studies, social and health care (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Paramedic Nurse
Palliatiivisen hoidon asiantuntija erikoistumiskoulutus
Master’s Degree Programme in Business Administration, Digital Solutions in Business (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Business Administration, Customer Oriented Business Development (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Construction Technology
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Packaging and Brand Design (2021, 2022)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering, Civil Engineering (in Finnish), (2021)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering (in Finnish), (2022, 2023)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Industrial Design (2020, 2021)
Master's Degree Programme in Urban Sustainability
Master's Degree Programme in Urban Sustainability (in Finnish)
Master's Degree Programme in Business Innovation Culture and Creativity
Higher education preparatory program for immigrants (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Graphic Design (in Finnish), (2020, 2021, 2022)
Master’s Degree Programme in Social and Health Care, Leader of the Future in Social and Health Care (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Social Services, Development of Child and Family Services (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Visual Design (in Finnish), (2023)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Product Design (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Sustainable Urban Planning (in Finnish)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering (in Finnish), (2014-2021)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Digital Experience Design (in Finnish)
Open studies, design
Master’s Degree Programme in Social and Health Care, Service Design for Social and Health Services (in Finnish), (2022, 2023)
Master’s Degree Programme in Social and Health Care, Digital Expert of Social and Health Care Services (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Modern Leadership (Social and Health Care), (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Modern Leadership (Business Administration), (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Engineering, from IoT to AI (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Visual Communication Design (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Media Content Design
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology (2016-2021)
Aivoterveyden edistäminen -erikoistumiskoulutus
Master’s Degree Programme in Social and Health Care, Service Design for Wellbeing Sector (in Finnish)
Master of Engineering, Regenerative Leadership (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Digital Solutions for the Design and Media (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Fine Arts (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Social and Health Care, Integration of Rehabilitation and Physical Activity (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering (2021, 2022, 2023)
Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Design Thinking and Customer Experience (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Engineering, Sustainable construction (in Finnish), (2021, 2023)
Master's Degree Programme in Business Administration, International Tourism and Event Management (2021, 2022)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
Master's Degree Programme in Urban Climate and Sustainability (MUrCS)
Master of Business Administration, Regenerative Leadership (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Art and Technology (in Finnish)
Master’s Degree Programme in Social and Health Care, Transformational Leadership and Management in Social and Health Care (in Finnish)
Master's Degree Programme in Arts and Culture, Regenerative Design and Media Competence (in Finnish), (2016-2020)
Master’s Degree Programme in Health Care, Advanced Nursing Practice (in Finnish), (2021, 2022)
Master’s Degree Programme in Social and Health Care, Leader and Developer of Integrated Social and Health Care Services (in Finnish), (2021, 2022)
Master of Business Administration, Digital Solutions (in Finnish), (2018, 2019, 2020)
Master’s Degree Programme in Social and Health Care, Developer of Customer-oriented Services (in Finnish), (2021)
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
Open studies, information technology (in Finnish)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Visual Communication (in Finnish), (2017, 2018, 2019)
Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Industrial and Brand Design (in Finnish), (2017, 2018, 2019)
Studies for incoming exchange students
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Faculty of Health Care and Social Services (LAB)
Faculty of Business and Hospitality Management (LAB)
Faculty of Technology (LAB)
Kielikeskus (LAB)
Institute of Design and Fine Arts (LAB)
Opintopalvelut (LUT)
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Unit location
Lappeenranta Campus
Lahti Campus
E-campus, Lahti
E-campus, Lappeenranta
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15.10.2024 - 22.10.2024
15.10.2024 - 22.10.2024
15.10.2024 - 15.10.2024
01.08.2025 - 30.12.2025
01.01.2025 - 01.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 30.06.2026
net based
Other than LAB enrollment time
Language studies LAB
Language studies LUT
Your Combo
For Exchange Students
For Open Studies
Courses taught in English
Master's studies
For CampusOnline
Your Combo (Master)
LUT Studies for LAB students
CampusOnline Bachelor's
Accelerated learning pathway
Summer studies
LAB Studies for LUT students
Evening teaching
Summer studies (Master)
CampusOnline Master's
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1 - 25 / 2206
Ethics, Environment and Business
Knowing the Customer and Business Environment 1
Knowing the Customer and Business Environment 2
Knowing the Customer and Business Environment 3
Innovation, Productization and Branding 1
Innovation, Productization and Branding 2
Innovation, Productization and Branding 3
Creating Profitable Customer Relationships 1
Creating Profitable Customer Relationships 2
Creating Profitable Customer Relationships 3
Management, leadership and entrepreneurship 1
Management, leadership and entrepreneurship 2
Management, leadership and entrepreneurship 3
Marketing projects 1
Marketing projects 2
Utilizing strategic thinking in global business simulation
Basics of Programming
Project Work 1
Front-End Tools
Back-End Tools
Software Development Automation
Project Work 2
Revenue Management
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